Bike-and-Ride with SacRT for May is Bike Month!

April 1, 2024 General, SacRT in Community

May is Bike Month Web Banner

Air up your tires and grab your helmets because May is Bike Month! Take advantage of the spring weather by cycling to your destination. Riding your bike is not only good for your mental and physical health, but also great for the environment. May is Bike Month is your opportunity to participate in a variety of community events, win prizes and connect with other bike advocates and enthusiasts in the region. Whether you’re riding to work, school or for fun, visit to join the fun on two wheels!

Bikes and transit make the perfect duo. Did you know that SacRT offers bike locker rentals light rail stations? Additionally, all SacRT buses are equipped with bike racks on the front that can hold two or three bikes. Bikes are allowed inside light rail trains. SacRT requires passengers with bikes to leave space available at the front of the first train car for riders with disabilities. Persons boarding light rail trains with a bicycle should not board using the mini-high ramps, as they are reserved for use by persons with disabilities. Learn more about how to bike-and-ride on transit at


Learn How to Load and Unload a Bike on the Bus

Learn How to Load a Bike on Light Rail