SacRT Offers Free Rides to Celebrate California Clean Air Day

October 5, 2020 SacRT News

Try Transit on Wednesday, October 7 for Free

The Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) is offering free rides on Wednesday, October 7 in recognition of California Clean Air Day. Rides on bus, light rail, SmaRT Ride microtransit and SacRT GO Paratransit Services are free all day!

The goal of California Clean Air Day is to spread the message about air pollution and how it directly impacts all Californians’ health.

“For a second year in a row, SacRT is excited to offer a number of mobility options for free in recognition of California Clean Air Day,” said SacRT General Manager/CEO Henry Li. “We hope that people will leave their cars at home and try transit instead, as collectively we can do our part to improve air quality.”

Single vehicle occupancy is the single biggest source of air pollution in California according to the California Coalition for Clean Air. On Clean Air Day, SacRT encourages the region to help clear the air and save a little money by trying an alternative form of transportation for free.

SacRT is also offering riders a chance to win a free monthly transit pass on Clean Air Day. Simply ride SacRT, take a selfie, post it on social media and make sure to tag SacRT and use the hashtag #SacCleanAirDay.

Californian’s can take the clean air pledge, visit to sign up.