Customer Advocacy Online Feedback

Thank you for your inquiry to the Sacramento Regional Transit District Customer Advocacy Department.

To report incidents of personal injury, a legal issue or compensation, please contact the Risk Management department by calling (916) 556-0281 and request a Claim Report Form. Please be advised that it is required that a claim form be filed no later than six months after the date of the incident/accident.

Please fill in all required fields (*) and any relevant fields. Completed fields will be processed faster.

If you have additional questions, please contact the Customer Advocacy department at (916) 557-4545.

* required field.

Contact Information
Your name*   
First Name Lastname
Your address *
City *
State *
Zip/Postal Code *
Email Address *
Contact Phone Number * Use numbers only (2141234567)
Contact Type *
Fax-Number (Optional)
Do you want to be contacted?
*If you indicated that you would like to be contacted, we will follow up with you regarding your feedback/question
Route Information
Route number and name
Boarding Location/Bus Stop Number/Light Rail Station /Location of Incident
Destination or Direction of Travel
Coach/Vehicle/Train Number
Date and time of incident * (If there is no specific date, please use today's date) ...

Description of Employee

(male, female, badge #)

Briefly describe the situation you would like to report:

(please limit to 2000 characters)

Required Verification
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