Elk Grove Transit Frequently Asked Questions
1. When will the Elk Grove’s e-tran and e-van annexation into SacRT begin?
Elk Grove’s transit services officially become part of the SacRT district on Thursday, July 1, 2021.
2. Will the e-van or e-tran fare change when SacRT takes over services?
No, the fare structure will initially remain the same.
3. Will Elk Grove commuter routes and pickup/drop-off times stay the same?
Yes, SacRT has committed to making no changes to the service for at least one year. Any future changes will be discussed with the public well in advance.
4. Are there any changes that the Elk Grove Task Force are recommending in the future in aligning routes connecting Elk Grove to Sacramento or Folsom?
SacRT is updating out Short Range Transit Plan this year and will be looking for opportunities to address new service and connections. Please be on the lookout for public involvement opportunities.
5. When SacRT takes over will routes be cut? When are the express routes going back to running in the morning and afternoon?
There are currently no service changes planned when SacRT transitions on July 1, 2021. SacRT is constantly monitoring and evaluating the express trips and will continue to monitor the ridership throughout the summer and add trips as necessary.
6. Will e–tran buses remain e–tran or will they be converted into SacRT buses?
Buses running routes in Elk Grove, including the commuter routes to and from downtown Sacramento, will remain the e-tran branded buses. SacRT has a branding transition plan in place. Riders will see minor changes to the current buses and bus stop signs when we transition; full branding changes will occur as the vehicles ages and are replaced.
7. Will there be changes to the route numbers?
All of the existing e-tran routes will have an “E” added to the beginning to indicate it is an Elk Grove Route. For example the 113 will be E113 and the 17 will be the E17.
8. Do you plan to change your hours of operation for e-van services?
There will be no changes to the hours of operations for e-van. If your trip is within the City limits of Elk Grove, your trip will be provided by SacRT e-van and will fall under the SacRT e-van fare structure. If either your origin or destination is outside the City of Elk Grove the trip will be provided by SacRT GO paratransit services and will fall under the SacRT GO fare structure.
9. Do I have to recertify my eligibility to ride SacRT GO if I currently ride e-van?
SacRT will grandfather all eligibility of e-van riders to the SacRT GO paratransit service. There will be no need to recertify unless your eligibility has already expired.
10. Will routes between Elk Grove and Sacramenot also be lined up with light rail?
There are current routes that are lined up with light rail. We are working on our Short Range Transit Plan and this suggestion will considered.
11. Will there be green initiatives/incentives in the future to reduce pollution and congestion in the region?
SacRT is currently working on an electrification plan with the California Air Resources Board. More details to come.
12. Will SacRT be able to offer the free transit to get your vaccine if there are clinics scheduled at EGUSD school sites in June and then second dose clinic in July?
SacRT will not take over the service until July 1, 2021, therefore we would not be able to offer free rides for Elk Grove Service until then. Free transit to get your vaccine is definitely a possibility as the General Manager has been given authority to continue SacRT’s Free Ride to Get Your Vaccine program.