Masks or Face Coverings Required to Ride SacRT
Masks are being handed out for riders that need one
To comply with the California Department of Public Health’s guidance on requiring face coverings or masks on public transportation, the Sacramento Regional Transit District (SacRT) is now requiring that a mask or face covering be worn while waiting at bus stops, light rail stations and when riding any SacRT vehicle. Effective Monday, June 29, SacRT will begin enforcing the requirement on buses and light rail vehicles.
To help promote the use of face coverings and non-medical masks, SacRT is currently handing out free masks, donated by the Federal Transportation Administration and California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, at the Customer Service and Sales Center to customers that request one. SacRT staff is also handing out masks to customers at key transit centers and stations, and are available onboard buses and light rail trains as needed.
SacRT will encourage compliance to the extent that is practical and educate riders about the benefits and safeguards against the spread of the virus through its “Wearing is Caring” campaign, since prevention is a shared responsibility. If a customer refuses to wear a mask or face covering, they will not be permitted to board and will be denied service. Children age two and under, and any person with a medical, mental health, or developmental disability that prevents them from wearing a face covering are exempt.
Visit for more on precautions being taken by SacRT to reduce the spread of COVID-19. To read more about the state mandate, visit