New Hydrogen Fueling Station and Upgraded Bus Facility at McClellan Park 

July 9, 2024 General, SacRT in Community

Discover how SacRT is leading the charge toward a greener future with our latest initiative: Zero-Emission Buses, Fueling, and Workforce Development Project. 

Our Commitment to Sustainability 

Since 2018, SacRT has been dedicated to achieving a fully zero-emission fleet by 2040. As part of this commitment, we are transforming our bus maintenance facility (BMF-2) at McClellan Park into a state-of-the-art zero-emission maintenance facility. Central to this transformation is the introduction of northern Sacramento's first hydrogen fueling station, a crucial step toward reducing our carbon footprint and improving air quality in our community. 

Key Project Highlights 

  • Fuel Cell Electric Buses: SacRT plans to convert the entire bus fleet serving northern Sacramento’s disadvantaged communities to zero-emission fuel cell electric buses (FCEBs) by 2028. SacRT is replacing 29 compressed natural gas buses with new FCEBs. By doing so, we aim to eliminate 23,532 Metric Tons of CO2 over the useful life of the project, benefiting disadvantaged communities in our service area. 
  • Environmental Impact: Upon completion, 32% of SacRT’s routes will operate fuel cell electric buses serving 36% of our ridership. This transition directly contributes to Sacramento’s efforts to meet state and federal mandates for greenhouse gas reductions. 
  • Community and Workforce Development: The project creates good-paying jobs and apprenticeships for students from disadvantaged communities, ensuring that our workforce reflects and serves our diverse population. 

Collaboration for Success 

This project is made possible through strong partnerships with California Air Resources Board (CARB), Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD), Center for Transportation and the Environment (CTE), New Flyer of America (New Flyer), American River College (ARC), Clean Cities Coalition (CCC), and the County and City of Sacramento. Together, we are pioneering sustainable transportation solutions and setting the stage for future advancements in zero-emission technology. 

Funding and Support 

Thanks to support from FTA’s Low-No funding, SACOG’s SB125 and CARB’s HVIP funds, along with contributions from the Air District, this project is poised to make a lasting impact on our region’s air quality and economic vitality.   

Funding sources: 

  • $76.8 million in Low-No funding from U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT).  SacRT is committed to providing matching funds totaling $17,482,000, accounting for 18.53% of the total project costs.  
  • Matching funds include $10,000,000 from SACOG’s California Senate Bill 125 (SB125) funds and $7,482,000 from CARB’s California Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Project (HVIP). 
  • With an additional $2.9 million from the Air District. 
  • Anticipated funding from EnergIIZE Funds from California Energy Commission ($4 Million).     

Project timeline: 

Project planning and initiation begins in 2025, and competition of the facility expected in 2028. 

Project Factsheet
Click on the image for full version.

Future Hydrogen Fueling Station and Upgraded Bus Facility at McClellan Park Fact Sheet

Renderings of the new garage and hydrogen fueling infrastructure   The project will remodel the current site to accommodate six bus maintenance bays, an operations control center, allow for storage of up to 125 buses and create a hydrogen fueling site.    

McClellan Bus Garage Rendering
McClellan Bus Garage Rendering
Hydrogen Fueling Area Rendering
Hydrogen Fueling Area Rendering